September, October, Nov...

Hi There Folks!

How you all been? I can’t apologize enough to you lot that I haven’t been online very much in the last few months.

A lot has been happening in our lives and trying to get the balance of life and business along with the kids both at school and a heck of a lot of running around. And to be honest, it’s all just been a bit much for me to handle and I’ve felt so burnt out. I took part in the 60 miles for September and raised over £1290 for Cancer Research. Thank you so much for your sponsors.

During October we started heavy hitting on planning our Christmas Collections which we hope you will love. We also celebrated being in business for 4 years at the start of the month. 

Big love to you all for sticking along with me on my business journey. You’d love and support has been amazing.

Jordan 💜